May 17, 2016

Experiment.. #3 Experiments are here for testing..

Dear all. Is it possible that a girl can no longer write because there is something going on and she cannot express it properly? Apparently, that was not even a proper question. It is happening. 

Despite my life is not that hectic as it might seem, I am loosing my urge to write everything down. I am switching cities like socks, passing the walls of different buildings, savouring their atmosphere and daily live workflows, but it feels like I am moving from one place another in a  bubble. 

And my used up suitcase is always around of course. Life of a constant traveller' might be colourful and adventurous, but is is also exhausting. You start to save up words, energy. You feel like you are walking on an unstable rope or hanging in the air like this poor Lenin's statue in Prague.

I still love pictures and photos, actually more and more, so I guess I will share those from time to time. They capture some of the moments around me, about me, moments where I have certain feelings and memories... 

But otherwise, some of the things might stay behind. 

Worries about my sister being in hospital, feelings of uncertainty when evaluating your decisions, procrastination and fear from the unknown, also a bit of exhaustion of travelling. With a purpose of course, but still. Am I calming down (or going mad?) and I do not know what is any longer good or not or what? :) One way or another, I am overwhelmed by undefined mass of constant happenings.  

Maybe I just need a holiday and will be back soon.. :) 

I am a bit sad I am not good at keeping in touch and writing posts regularly.. Somehow I am a bit of everything these days and I am not sure it is of added value.. So. I guess I am sending regards with this message to all of you and I am attaching a photo I took in Berlin in a flea market. 


I am saying this to myself from time to time but also to my blogging, so I guess life will still go on without it and new things would happen instead soon :) Let's get surprised. 

I will write again when I would feel like writing again. Meanwhile, the only social channel I use on a daily basis is my Instagram, so feel free to check it out. 

With love and hugs for now to all of you who still read these posts, 
Yours truly, 


Apr 15, 2016

Experiment.. #2 Discovering new places

April weeks are a bit crazy, not only because of the weather but simply all the people are like waking up from the winter sleep, me including. I spent the first week of April browsing the new places of Petrzalka because I was so sleepy I was hoping some walks would wake me up. And as my aunt Jana showed me some secret places around the lakes (besides her amazing cooking), I went on exploring.

The season of garlic was starting and people were picking it everywhere, restaurants began to offer it in their specialties.. I also discovered how to get from my home to Hradza, the usual running route in Petrzalka heading to Austria, what I did not expect though that you can also meet horses there.

Otherwise as I am in Bratislava for doing my work, I spent most of my days in the office trying to find more people to join our team of developers. As we have a lack of people speaking German, anyone with .NET is welcome to give me a call any hour day and night .. :) The best moment was the one on Friday, where we all met in the Company kitchen and just chatted.

Later I headed to Prague for a night of sleep and then woke up in the morning ready for a road trip to Berlin where we have several friends.. :)

Not all of them we managed to meet though, apologies especially to Daniel and Katka, but be ready to get more visitors those of you whom it may be of concern! :)

We didn't do much sightseeing but we managed to walk our way through it, admiring omni-present street art, people spending time together in parks, on bicycles, everywhere actually.. 

The emphasis is on recycling, anything, living green, being free.. People even won the place of former airport to be their own recreational area for relaxing and having rented gardens..

Sharing with the poor, mañana in German way. (Do you see the recycled plastic lamp, by the way? :)

We of course also had a lots of nice food including trying the currywurst, the specialty for Berlin. 

Yes, imagine sausage covered with tomato sauce and curry with french fries. Weird combination but this is the charm of travelling, everyone has different tastes! We ended our trip on local flea market full of crazy things and talented or less talented musicians. 

We had lots of fun and we are definitely coming back, not only because we haven't seen any of the history and other friends but also because the Berlin is the monochrome city with unexpected mixture of colours! 

Your constant traveller, 

p.s. First finding of continuing with experiment, I am not ok with Slovak translation, sorry for that, it still feels more natural for me to write in English..
pp.s. The last pictures of me with blonde hair! For ever I guess!!!

Apr 2, 2016

Experiment.. #1

After the crazy April 1st I decided to start a new idea with blogging, new tradition that might help me share my constant traveller kind of life. I will do a recap of everything I experienced every week in pictures. If I didn't do it like this, you would be never reading posts from me again. Too much is happening around and I simply somehow started to be a bit private with posting, no idea why. 

Po tom, čo odznel prvý aprílový deň som sa rozhodla dať písaniu na blog nový rozmer, začať s tradíciou, ktorá zachytí aspoň trocha môj rozlietaný svet neustálej presúvačky sa z miesta na miesto. Každý svoj týždeň sa pokúsim zachytiť odteraz v obrazoch. Ak by som to tak nespravila, už by asi nebolo čo čítať. Nejako je toho veľa a i moje písanie sa mení smerom, ktorý ide skôr k tichu, netuším prečo.

During the last week I (hopefully) managed to organise Easter for two families this time in Prague, though not a complete ones.We missed our Dad taking care of the things at the East of Slovakia. 

Za posledný týždeň sa podarilo absolvovať Veľkú noc spoločne s dvoma rodinami, aj keď iba čiastočne. Chýbal ocko, ktorý doma na východe dával pozor na východ. 

He missed a chance to see the theatre Laterna Magika where we all went and that ended up on my list of "never ever again" kind of experiences. It had an added benefit though, it united two families immediately and we were consoled by wonderful food, smells, sharing life's experience with each other while walking across Prague. Maybe this is the way it should have been. Sharing lives.

Prišiel tým o divadlo Laterna Magika kam sme sa všetci vybrali a môžem povedať, že sa to dostalo na prvú priečku môjho zoznamu "never ever". Spojilo nás to okamžite a čas potom bol už len príjemný, plný jedla, vôní, spoznávania sa a prechádzok po Prahe. Tak by to asi aj malo byť. O tom, že máte svoje životy s kým zdieľať.

The rest of the week was about preparations for my work-life added roles and getting things ready before the fight with fears I had my whole life (wearing braces and driving). 

Zvyšok týždňa sa niesol skôr v prípravách na moju budúcu staro-novú prácu a bojovanie s vecami, ktoré som odmietala celý život (nosenie strojčeka a šoférovanie). 

However, as a part of our company teambuilding I survived to drive motorcars and I surprisingly feel ready to be driving. Right after it felt like everyone is so slow on the roads it cannot be that scary. :) 

Podarilo sa mi ale prežiť preteky na motokárach s kolegami, čo napokon hodnotím ako super prípravu na rekondičné jazdy, všetci na cestách sa Vám zrazu zdajú pomalí. :) 

So, how do you like this? Do we continue or not? :) Let me know!!!

Tak, ako sa Vám to zatiaľ páči.. Pokračujeme alebo nie? Dajte mi vedieť!!!



Feb 14, 2016

#Prague Girl.. and #art..

After almost one year in Prague I would not believe I could manage to skip the most important things to see but I did and managed that with grandiosity. This weekend I was taken innocently "for a walk" to see some art at Veletrzni palac and what should have been 2 hours spent wandering at boring exhibition ended up as 6 hours of constant amazement and photography. With one specific piece of art I even sobbed a bit, moved, because the music and images together could not let any beating heart cold. So I decided to give you some reasons why you should go there, too in case you are in Prague. Not only you will see the famous Contemporary art from all around the world,  

 but UPRUM Students have their Design pieces exhibited there as a part of Czech Grand Design. 

The result you can see yourselves! 

 Lots of colours and wearable cuts and materials with sparkle, 

some of the things are funny to see and surprise you as this pinky dead? girl (Or I didn't get it?)

not mentioning the pins T-shirt, but why not to be surprised?
There is nothing more refreshing that facing something you did not expect before!

The other piece that made me cry was this installation, try to google it maybe because I think I found out the music they play in heaven, I am actually convinced of it. 

I was a bit hesitant if I should show you more of what I admired there, but then you also have to have some curiosity and surprises yourselves!!! So grab the loved ones around you 

and go to see some funny art that will make your February colourful! No matter where you are, search for the beauty in everything, there is always something to watch!!! :)

Happy February!!! :) 

Jan 30, 2016

#Prague Girl.. and #fashion..

You know, I was honestly wondering when it would come.. This feeling that you are at home somewhere for real and also your other dreams and aspirations have come true along with that. And today, when I woke up in the morning, I unpacked my suitcase, looked around the mess that is waiting for our cleaning lady to help us with, I realised THIS IS IT!!! New year has come, things will be good no matter what might happen in the future. 

But to the most important and probably the least valuable point, I realised I am a Prague girl finally!!!
I managed it!!! I was continually trying to invite more colours into my closet for quite some time and I did it without ruining my budget, only thanks to the lots of walks around Prague vintage stores and second hands.. No shame about that, if you cannot get the cuts and colours you want in normal shops, this was the best invested time and exercise, too!!! :) 

Yes, I also discovered COS, that made my life a bit more colourful, but I was saved up by the fact the actual real store is opening here only next month, so I limited myself to few shoppings online and using sales. :) Otherwise, lots of sorting, dreaming, reading up, listing magazines, trying not to buy things that do not suit me happened.. Also, I switched to dresses instead of jeans. What a change!!! 

I found out they are perfectly versatile. You can wear then during summer, spring and autumn with some nice ballet flats, trainers or boots, in winter you add warmer boots and jeans beneath it and you are done!!! The only problem I have now is to find out what kind of jacket is going with all those dresses and I guess I will have no more excuses for shopping so soon otherwise.. 

 Well. I guess I am done for now. The last thing I changed was something that look a longer time and I still am not sure where it would end. My hair. I am no longer a redhead because I felt it this way. So hopefully you will all survive it with me and I will have more chances to wear colours again!!! 

So what do you say? Will you survive to look at me still??? 

Dec 29, 2015

2015. The Year of Ashes and Phoenixes..

Dear 2015. 

You indeed managed to surprise me in EVERY way possible. 

It all started on the last day of 2014 by accepting a last-minute invitation to come to Prague to the theatre with a new friend that wanted to say thanks. Having in mind what I wrote here on the blog only two days before that "how we should all do something unexpected", I simply went. I took this totally un-selfie :) picture when travelling there ready to leave the old year behind and welcome the new one with hope and smile. I still remember how on a way to the theatre I was listening to "how great Prague is" and that I should leave Bratislava, too. I laughed at the friend that night a lot..


Just by one turning-around I bumped into someone very special. And sooner than expected, with some risk taken and curiosity, too, the HEART started to beat differently and nobody could stop it. It just went on with the invisible flow, beating stronger and stronger. LOVE. What else. And as it is usually in Life, when you are dealing with the most crucial issues, they happen to come all at once. Maybe it is a version of someone's mercy, you have the despair served to its fullest and if you do not get crazy out of it, you might actually end up either stronger or not realising you got crazy :)

So with all of this floating happiness combined with craziness, things were messing up elsewhere. The urgency to fix the living for me and my sister Veronika in Bratislava arose suddenly as we could no longer stay at the place we liked. 4 months of my life and some grey hair were the bonus and the cost of the new place. This time it is OURS at least. :) With Veronika we moved out and we moved in. And I knew it was time for me to move even further on. So I did. I turned into Alice in Wonderland, constantly visiting new places, questioning everything, trying everything and I haven't indeed stopped wondering from that time on.. 

I quit my safe job and risked. Thanks to someone's infinite patience and understanding that good timing is sometimes better than human plans, the right job waited for me despite I firstly chose something else. Now, it is Love again. I am helping to build a company and the pride and meaning coming with it cannot be described in words. It is easy to build a start-up with lots of investors but it is more rewarding when you choose freedom instead. You invest more, your losses hurt deeply, but it gives you the purpose and motivation to work hard. And when you combine it with the right people that trust each other you suddenly catch yourself feeling at work like somewhere where you belong. Place, where you can play and learn, work and grow, where even the fighting is allowed when you take it with ease and respect. :)

But in between my long battle of choosing the right job, the most radical thing was happening. I was moving out again. This time to Prague. More packing and unpacking but this time spiced up with lots and lots of love and support in various forms and shapes, sparkle and fun, meeting new people, being in new places, exploring new tastes and smells, correcting my beliefs and values, watching the sun and moon moving constantly while weather started to change slowly. I let myself go wild and childish, boldly facing the fear of the unknown. Did I loose something? Of course. But I hope I gained much more. Experience for sure and some wisdom hopefully. Maybe it is my destiny to be moving out and moving in and moving on, adapting to changes, testing new waters and changing colours accordingly.. It is funny that at the end of this madness I realised I actually fulfilled unconsciously what I had written down on paper for myself a year ago.


I am glad and relieved that the year 2015 is coming to its end. I faced a thunderstorm (caused by myself partially, too :) and for sure I did things I would never say I would do a year ago. But for a glimpse of a second I actually feel similarly as the last year. Peaceful in mind and thankful for every day of this year. No matter what the taste of it was. I am in the right place at the right time and the rest will come along the way. 

I have new hopes, dreams and wishes for the new year but I also respect the unknown. Because this year confirmed it itself again. You can have lots of plans to work on but it is essential to be flexible and attentive to what really matters. Because THAT FORCE is changing it all.

                                         MAKE LOVE HAPPEN, 
This is my wish for all of you for THE NEW YEAR of 2016. 


Dec 17, 2015

When I am 30.. I am 30..

Oh dear. :)

Entering this charming number came with sort of mixed feelings. I heard that the days of my twenties are actually behind me and approaching is the age of new .. everything! I have to hereby confess that from the age of 7 I started to read COSMOPOLITANS (my dad used to buy them for my mom and I still know some issues by heart) with the real and firing urge to be ALREADY 30 if not 40. You know, "carrying"!!! designer business suits, buying luxurious handbags and so on.. (all the things I tried to experience a bit with the exception of high heels, maybe I will start growing up a bit later in this area  - loo lazy or too picky if you want to wear only Jimmy Choo's or Manolo's :)

BUT, did I have poor childhood because of that? Or hard life? I do not think so! :) It was kind of dreamy, full of books and people and hobbies. I had luxury of time. I knew I have to work hard if I want to go up and be successful. Compared with all the challenges kids have nowadays I have never hunted my dreams as radically and without boundaries as some of the younger girls do nowadays, so I guess I managed everything pretty fine and without a shame.. :)

As you might think I should say something sophisticated once I am 30, I just want to share this now.
Funny facts are coming with the age. While my family is expecting me to settle down, I more and more feel like this little girl that I know for ages talking to herself (BUT AN EXPERIENCED ONE NOW OF COURSE!) is going WILDER AND WILDER WITH TIME. In her dreams, ideas, plans. I FEEL THAT NOW IS THE TIME TO DO CRAZY THINGS AND CRAZY INVESTMENTS, NOW IS ALSO TIME NOT TO REGRET ANYTHING BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS GAIN SOMETHING OUT OF IT. (hopefully, not weight :)

SO at my AGE OF 30.
I want some things for MYSELF. 
I want a MAN for me.
I want my TIME for me to manage (Doesn't matter if I dream, write, work, walk or sleep)
I want my HOME to feel at home. (If you travel for 15 years, you understand)
I want my CAREER to be MINE. 
I want to be treated NICELY. 


I also want to SHARE ME MORE.
I want to LEARN MORE, 
I want to BUILD something non-material and ESTABLISH something great.
I want to CONTRIBUTE to society with MORE SIGNIFICANCE. 
I want to HELP MORE. 
(Accepting any kind of invitations to help, but I have to remind you, I have a cleaning lady myself! :)

I will describe at the end of the year what has changed during these crazy 12 months but the outcome of it is that I haven't seen my friends - AND IT MEANS YOU - FOR AGES!!! I was being tossed in constant flow of change, trying to adapt to all the challenges that were coming my way so intensely. And if there weren't by any luck none, I just needed to be myself, rest, read, think, dream, plan, wonder, explore Prague - my new hometown. I do not want to apologise but to explain..  I needed some time to settle down, to settle my whole life elsewhere and build a new home, too. 




