Dec 31, 2013
Dec 25, 2013
Little world of Oxford..
My trip to Oxford start as me being an exploring tourist and actually ended like I was "one of them".. Them meaning all those University students wondering and rushing around the city, sometimes wearing their gowns, sometimes riding their bicycles, but always with that expressions on their faces that they are serious about EVERYTHING and their general interest in everything around made me deeply reconsider why I am not taking this life more seriously. :) And I mean it. If you are part of the conversation where you have changed the topic from statistics, physics, economy, psychology and stock market in 15 minutes you start asking yourself whether you are in real world or it is all just a dream of an intellectually thirsty soul..
And thus I began enjoying Oxford as a thankful observer and appreciator of everything that this city offered. I wondered around the streets to discover famous bookstores, unexpected buildings covered by green leaves and beautiful University Gardens full of colors even on the beginning of December.
(Btw. Did you know that every college has at least two gardeners and one stonedresser? :)
And thus I began enjoying Oxford as a thankful observer and appreciator of everything that this city offered. I wondered around the streets to discover famous bookstores, unexpected buildings covered by green leaves and beautiful University Gardens full of colors even on the beginning of December.
(Btw. Did you know that every college has at least two gardeners and one stonedresser? :)

Because being in Oxford and a guest of an Oxford student is a very pleasant privilege since you can access the places that others cannot. And thus I was learning Scotch dances during my first night of the stay with bunch of other Oxford students, I enjoyed Christmas concert connected with Anglican church mass where the famous men choir of Oxford was singing with awe and all people of Oxford were wearing their famous gowns . I was even invited as a guest to their "Harry Potter like" famous dinners when students are being served. (!) I loved it, the wholeness of it and the charm of the tradition that Oxford still holds.. Now.. Which one of you still thinks Oxford is nothing but bunch of pride guys? You are right, but the guys have the reason to be proud, if I were on their place, I would be proud too!!!
And at the end I would like to thank Maruska, who invited me to join for a while her little world of wonders..
Happy Christmas season everyone,
I will be in Thailand for the next two weeks, so you can look forward to the posts from there soon :)
Meanwhile enjoy the end of this beautiful year and write your to-do lists for the one that follows :)
And at the end I would like to thank Maruska, who invited me to join for a while her little world of wonders..
Happy Christmas season everyone,
I will be in Thailand for the next two weeks, so you can look forward to the posts from there soon :)
Meanwhile enjoy the end of this beautiful year and write your to-do lists for the one that follows :)
Dec 11, 2013
Nothing against Notting Hill..

And was I surprised how the country changed since have been there last time. I completely forgot about all those nice cabs that look like from James Bond movie, about driving on the right side, about the accent and omnipresent tweed jackets and leather satchels. I actually headed to Oxford to visit my longterm great friend Maruska who has studied there and is currently working on her Phd. there and whose invitations to come to Oxford I tried to postpone for quite a some time..
But as Oxford is totally charming itself I decided to firstly share some impressions from the London´s Notting Hill where we went discovering its famous vintage markets. And we indeed did not expected it will be that crowded!!! The streets were crowded, people explored beauties of old antique things that were not actually so neccessary to buy, and trying clothes that actually were not that fitting as one would say.
And thus I am sending you a little messed postcard from one messy afternoon spent in Notting Hill with my two good friends originally from EGJAK (Maruska and Tana), visiting Jamie Olivers shop, browsing the streets of Notting Hill and London and curiously exploring beauties of another European country ...
And p.s. you can be already excited.. Next time completely different picture story from Oxford will be posted soon!!!
Dec 3, 2013
Nov 23, 2013
Saturdays are for...
I do not know whether all of you had this habit in your families that Saturdays are predestined for cleaning the household.. I genuinely could not stand this during my childhood and when I went to live apart from my parents when I was fifteen I switched to a different timetable and regime immediately. And I hold to that from then on. I tend to clean my apartment during the week, couple of minutes here and there and I keep the promise I made to myself to have some rest during Saturdays. And thus I ended up yesterday, after having some nice dinner at Steak house, rushing at last minute to a bookstore only to finally buy myself something nice to read with intention of trying to stay nailed to my bed full of pillows for as long as possible during the following day. I have to say that normally I do not end up with this kind of literature but the urge to read I felt yesterday only reminded me that I somehow forgot what I studied on University. Psyche, the human soul and behavior.. I think it is time to start educating myself again. I almost lost this urge to search for deeper knowledge. Apparently, we can all loose ourselves in the routines of every day reality. Let´s all try to stop for a while from time to time, so that we can check where we stand and where we are going..
Nov 14, 2013
Láska cvála..
Láska sa vydáva na cestu,
uháňa sťa jazdec, tak ako prišla.
S tufovou tmou v očiach prebodá ako studený vietor
a horizonty pohasínajú.
Merané časom, nebola dlhá ani krátka,
ale bola v nej bezčasovosť.
Skutočne, svet sa nekončí mimo teba.
Dokonca začína hovoriť, súc tmavý ako oblak.
A ty nie si, nie si jeho ostrá os.
Nech sa tvoja tvár stane dôvodom, aby som si všimla iných,
aby som počúvala mamu, dieťa, šaša -
čo vravia a koho milujú.
Nech je nová nádej v nás, nie pre nás.
Štastie aj nešťastie sa vzájomne zahrýzli do svojich chvostov,
no ja rozseknem uzol ich nudného sváru.
Vrátim sa, budem cítiť,
potom budem zápasiť s vetrami, možno i s tým našim.
Svet sa do nás nezmestí, my sa nezmestíme doň.
A naša láska vlastne neodchádza.
Cvála celkom nablízku.
Ulice demoštrujú svoju radosť,
budovy sa postavili na špičky,
dnes je dôležitý deň,
ľudia sa pretŕčajú v oknách,
dnes je dôležitý deň,
lebo každý prestal myslieť
len sám na seba.
Nevena Borisova.
Nech sa nové začne.
Oct 31, 2013
Changing lanes..

I do not know whether or not you are familiar with the story about origin of pearls. Metaphor about process where pain and discomfort can bring something beautiful as pearls are is for me one of the best examples of life. Through pain there always comes something precious, something admirable, sheer beauty..
There is a saying in one Book mentioning how you should not give your pearls to those who do not deserve it.. I reminded that to myself when I realised I stopped wearing pearls because they are "too precious" for everyday life and they should be saved for later. I changed my mind.
I realised that though I thought I do not deserve some of the things, I should act however, right the opposite..
There is so many sayings about everyone´s value and beauty, but if you indeed do not start from yourself, from appreciating your life and who you are, you can not expect that other people will be treating you differently. And thus, this is going to be my reminder that all of us have an incredible value in this short life. Anyone who is going to show me the opposite will need to leave.. We all deserve TO FEEL BEAUTIFUL.
Oct 20, 2013
Kam do mesta.. na burger!

Neviem, či niekto z Vás natrafil pred pár rokmi na také mini bistro na Michalskej, kde predávali "poctivé hamburgery", v každom prípade mne sa to podarilo nešťastne míňať celé dva roky. Vždy keď som ho už zbadala mali buď zatvorené alebo tam bol oznam, že otvoria budúce leto. A tak som si niekoľkokrát za sebou musela povzdychnúť a nechať to tak.
Tentokrát, napriek tomu, že leto sa už blíži ku koncu som na nich natrafila. Už hamburgery nerobia v malom ale vo veľkom, predávajú ich vo vedľa susediacej reštaurácii Minerva. Zrejme to bude jeden majiteľ, alebo sa dvaja majitelia dohodli na spoločnej veci, v každom prípade urobili dobre.
Mäsko bolo čerstvé, vo vnútri tak akurát ružové, všetko bolo ako malo. Domáca barbecue a chilli omáčka, kyslé uhorky nadrobno, veľké a čerstvé hranolky i coleslaw šalát. A ten dokonca aj chutil! Vykričník v tomto prípade myslím vážne, coleslaw šalát sa dá pokaziť na toľko spôsobov, že to radšej ani nebudem menovať. O to viac potom poteší, keď nájdete niečo, čo je chutné, nepremajonézované, neprekorenené, skrátka lahodné. A keď máte možnosť si k tomu všetkému objednať ešte aj dobré pivo, radím Vám, neváhajte a choďte odmeniť majiteľa za snahu o poctivé jedlo, oplatí sa za 5 EUR a niečo!
Oct 18, 2013
Pierko od anjela..
Keď nemám síl milovať
a všetky záchvevy miznú,
keď nado mnou víťazí
slabosť mojej pamäti
a zabúdam slová,
celé svety,
keď šediviem zo šedivosti
(lebo niet výšok),
keď sa udieram sama o seba,
je všetko iné
a mňa niet,
vtedy si uvedomujem,
že vždy mi chýbalo ešte jedno pierko,
aby som mohla vzlietnuť.
A je najvyšší čas, aby som ho našla.
Nevena Borisova (BLG), Ars Poetica 2013 (začala včera a pokračuje)
Christian Schloe, Portrait of a Heart.
Oct 15, 2013
Beauty in business..
No matter what people tell you, in business black and white is indeed not only a nice combination when formal matters are being discussed, but also the one with which you can never go wrong. The advice given many times on the blogs of different origin is that you should dress up one level more you are actually supposed to. This is of course under condition you would like to be promoted, if you decide to aim higher.. This elevator can actually take me higher only up to 4th floor, so I should think about my goals properly but I am really wondering.. Do you people give yourself any goals? Is it something that we are still clear on? I have made a new set of goals for the next upcoming period and one of them is actually starting with wearing braces. Invisible and pretty expensive, but I would like to invest into my health. How about you? Anything to share for inspiration of others?
Oct 11, 2013
Fresh air..
It was needed actually.
Couple of invitations to places I had no idea what to wear were more than urgent and required immediate action.
So I though deeply and decided, two black dresses, one for day and one for receptions events, two white blouses needed as the costumes and suit accessories, and two practical pieces to wear when there are those days you keep calling people, writing profiles and searching for the right candidates to offer to our clients.
Yep, from now on, please call me Mrs. Consultant, I have finally pieces to wear that I look like one!
Oct 4, 2013
Quiet movement..

I am an eager new-born traveler.. :)
During these days when the last sun is smiling at us, I suppose we all need to think of ways how to survive this period of darker environment around us that is called FALL. I wonder who created that word..
Sep 24, 2013
Sweet and bitter..
Besides the fact that I have been recovering from quite a nasty cold during the weekend, my stomach asked for food and as I am not fond of cooking lately I decided to go for a "tram walk" and explore Dubravka and its "Hody" this year. (It is nice that you do not need to cook for two weekends, right?) I have so far went only to Raca during the last years and I was pleasantly surprised by Dubravka´s beauties.
Nice people, PERFECT FOOD! (údené koleno, who would resist?) and calming woods around. Not even mentioning that in Sobrance, my hometown," Sobranecky Jarmok" was happening at the same time. Consider it as a nice rememberance of old times, I am sending hereby regards to ALL the people I know there..
There were also two things I indeed laughed about.. I realised how wine is underestimated and how much this tool (praker po východniarsky tuším) has been a part of my childhood. We used to be cleaning carpets as kids in front of our "bytovka" and it was such a fun!
So I have to report that despite the last weekend was nice and full of relaxed healing, this week is already a mess, starting with lots of work, my heart wondering what is going on and my sister being in hospital again. :( Whoever knows her, please spare some time for calling her, she will be thankful and happy to hear you.
It suddenly seems that my tattoo has also other meanings than I planned.. HOME IS WHERE YOUR HEART IS AND IT STAYS WITH THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE. Take care of those you love. Not like me that has to be sending hugs to my special friends Olina and Denisa via this writing because I was such a terrible friend lately. Girls, I love you. Let´s get together soon.
Sep 17, 2013
Dobrý bol..
ten Dobrý trh, veru dobrý..
Ľudí bolo síce napriek dažďu pomenej, o to lepšia bola ale ochutnávka koláčikov zo Giraffe Bakery, ktoré sa nevypredali za hodinu a prehliadka všadeprítomných gumákov všakovakých farieb.. ja som mala svoje žlté, takže som konečne raz zapadla do davu.. Hahaa!!!
A ešte boli aj dobré polievky, voňajúce pistácie, paradajky a bazalka, snažila som sa aj vyhrať kurz nemčiny, nájsť nejakú stratenú knihu, ktorú by som si prisvojila, a zahriať sa všetkým možným pomimo oblečenia.. Vyšlo to skoro do bodky, aj s prekvapkom na záver, takže ostáva len čakať na pokračovanie.. :)
Dobrý bol ten Dobrý trh, vďaka dobrým ľuďom za organizáciu!!!
Sep 13, 2013
Body News..
Dear all, let me share the news that I have just been "decorated" for-ever and I LOVE IT!!!
p.s. I do realize I wear sunglasses on all the pictures in last months, but I simply cannot resist them, especially when the summer is almost over..
And.. just for the matter of curiosity.. Have you ever thought about having a tattoo?
Me never!!!
Sep 10, 2013
Walking shoes..
I do not know if I mentioned that I moved to a different place recently. It is close to the forest and it is perfect for quiet times when reflection is more than needed.
I found out walking is great for the soul, as well as running is for the mind.. You all know me, I hated to run, I hated sport. Or let´s say, I did not prefer them!!!
And thus, I found myself these days most of my free time running in the woods, (without the wolves) discovering nice places in Bratislava even with a touch of sand (Sandberg on the picture) and wondering about all the beauties that I still have not seen around.
I even surprised myself when I got genuinely excited after having seen a perfect pair of a running trousers which I felt I need to buy because running in the shorts in fall is rather out of question or mind.
I wonder what is different these days.. I even started to wear heels and I think about buying trekking shoes.. Apparently, there are many ways how we can walk around this beautiful place called world.. My recommendation though: BAREFOOT.
Sep 4, 2013
Home is where your heart is..

Stáva sa i Vám to, že keď máte nejaké obdobie, keď o niečom intenzívne premýšľate v hlave tak sa Vám zrazu v živote dejú veci, ktoré sa týkajú toho, čo prežívate? Psychológovia Vám možno povedia, že je to prirodzené, lebo ste citliví na nejakú vec a intuitívne Vás zaujmú tie súvislosti, ktoré Vám pomôžu situáciu rozmotať alebo vyriešiť. Možno to tak bude, v každom prípade neverím, že toto vysvetlenie je "to". Magickosť života sa totiž nedá vysvetliť, podchytiť, ani zregulérniť. Pravidlá a zákony síce existujú, ale našťastie nie sú univerzálne pre každú situáciu. A tak sa zrazu ocitnete v momente, keď sa konečne dozviete, čo sa vlastne deje vo Vašom nevedomí, lebo ste si to dlho-predlho nevedeli priznať...
Tajomnosť života je prekvapujúca.. Som rada, že som sa k nej zasa vrátila. Spravte to i Vy ak máte možno podobné obdobie.
Choďte za túžbami srdca.
Choďte za túžbami srdca.
Aug 27, 2013
Aug 23, 2013
Aug 15, 2013
Don´t skip lunch..
Otherwise your dreams will not be fulfilled and your stomach, too.. The clutch of the year is mine, finally, after being grabbed and viciously bought on the way back from lunch.. World is BEAUTIFUL again.. :)
p.s. and who loves magazines.. don´t miss this: sending regards to Zlty.
Aug 10, 2013
Aug 8, 2013
Aug 6, 2013
I learned recently quite painfully,
that sometimes,
sometimes we need to start AGAIN..
in order to FLY..
And thus, I am ready to JUMP, ready to FALL, go on with DREAMING.. Otherwise I will not live.
that sometimes,
sometimes we need to start AGAIN..
in order to FLY..
Jul 24, 2013
Dreaming BIG..
I keep saying to myself that writing creates inside of me an urge to be slowly, but continually a better person. Mostly because it is a time when I have opportunity to reflect the world, my status of being as such and have an overview over my life from a different angle.. That is the reason many psychologists would recommend you during a therapy to keep journaling.. I therefore realised it is already July since I tried to put together some of the New Years resolutions and with quite a smirk I decided to continue dreaming.. This time it is only small fraction of what is in my head right now, more shallow :), to be honest, but the BIGGER thing is happening behind.. And that is important.. All those small things that can WAKE YOU UP by simple reflection of their BEAUTIES and you IMMEDIATELY know, what steps should follow.. And once you know them, keep stepping up.. FUTURE IS A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY PER SE..
Jul 21, 2013
Niekedy je čas sa proste učiť veciam od tých najpovolanejších, tých, ktorí lietať vedia.. A tak som sa nechala viesť a snažila sa načúvať.. A výsledok? Na chvíľku tá ľahkosť bytia, foto na pamiatku a zopár úsmevov.. Stálo to však za to..
Jul 16, 2013
Vacation time..
I somehow feel I need to set aside time for vacation with more and more priority as the time goes on.. Especially when you have maybe days like today when you know you are going to be really busy.. During such days I am mentally transporting into the countries I felt really relaxed in and try to breath some fresh sea salt air. Why not? It will make your day bright and will remind you that DREAMING IS IMPORTANT. Otherwise you will not grow and your dreams have no chance TO COME TRUE.
Jul 12, 2013
Jul 11, 2013
Jul 10, 2013
The choice of today..
is not to buy anything when going shopping with my sister.. :) Instead, I was suddenly hit by a great idea how to change two items from my closet for better purpose.. Hopefully you will see the results soon..
p.s. and if your choice is different than mine, go check the mango outlet shop, you will be surprised what can be found there for indeed tiny prices. :)
Jul 5, 2013
Jul 3, 2013
Sometimes it is really enough to go out and maybe check for the best sales or secondhand shops around.. After I bought my beloved Hermes scarf last year, Slovakia wins the #1. unawareness prize again.. :) I bought Nine West bag for 5 Euros yesterday! I even do not care whether it is a fake or not.. I like it and that is enough. During such moments of unbelief I indeed love Bratislava..
Jul 1, 2013
Walking weekends..
I still find it amazing that actually Bratislava is quite close to many capital cities of Europe. This way you can be one day in Vienna, one day in Budapest or somewhere else. Naturally, it depends on the available transportation but it is indeed nice..
And here a stupid question comes: What do you say about my new t-shirt??? :) Actually it was A GIFT. And I found out I LOVE GIFTS! Usually I am the one trying to give out clothes but this time I was being given. SUCH a wonderful feeling.. WHY DON´T WE DO THAT MORE OFTEN?
There is only one last item not ticked off from my January wishlist. A TATTOO. But I decided to be wise for now and wait.. Either I will forget about it, or I will make it happen after summer.. Meanwhile I was hit yesterday by another unimportant craving. A CLUTCH. I found out I have not been out in the CITY for quite a while and the need to socialize is actually getting stronger. So guess what. This picture somehow caught it.. Inspiration is coming.. I will let you know how the situation continues..
Jun 28, 2013
Bright light..
My dear ones.. At certain point of my life I started to wear colours. I know it might seem a natural thing for those of you who got to know me in the last two years, but I can tell you I wore black for most of the time in past 10 years. There were indeed several serious reasons for that but sooner you find out life is too short to be predictable you have to act. And therefore this season is for me all about white. For some of us it is the colour of weddings and purity, for others, in different parts of the world, it is a color of saying goodbye to a loved one, celebration of his/her life. Today these two aspects are presented in one simple and ordinary picture. But though I am smiling, a loved one has died recently.. and I would only like to say:
Jun 27, 2013
You could have notice that I mentioned to you couple of times how my efforts to learn French continue. I have to say that if it has not been for Ivana, my colleague and Olivier, my conversations teacher, the need to learn French would stay just at that point without movement. Therefore I am really thankful for those hours spent in attemps to speak French, because #1. I can understand my boss what is rather a nice thing, #2. I can imagine myself walking in the streets of Paris during the shopping sales which are currently happening. I definitely recommend you to INVEST IN YOURSELF. Further education is new MUST.
Jun 26, 2013
Casual Wednesday..
I quite enjoy working at the city centre.. Especially when I need to walk for only 25 minutes to get to work, helpful assett indeed when you wake up after a long night spent with wonderful friend and fantastic wine.. The only solution for surviving a day are then COLOURS and MAKE-UP - actually, the best style advice ever given by my aunt Jana M..
Jun 24, 2013
If you ever thought of sneaking into people´s lives I can offer you a
wonderful page I check quite often. The page full of tastes,
architecture, lifestyle and passion for life. SOUSSTYLE. If you are interested, go check
yourself. Find the daily routines of young and successfull modern
people, discover tastes of juicy recipes, imagine yourself in the quest
of house hunting, learn from the professionals of how to clean your
house, steal the tips for travelling from the travellers experience, and
follow the news in fashion..
Massage and the message..
turns out once I start doing something I have never experienced before,
it soon becomes my favorite thing. Like this " after first massage
moments".. I actually LOVE IT, I admit.. I am even willing to buy less
stuff just so that I have money for this out of body experience!!!
Am I the only one who has not tried yet massages and its health effect?
Simply home..
It is indeed miraculous how life can change within minutes.. One
second you are flying and the other one you are falling.. Down from your
rainbow of hope.. But only for some time, I tend to remind myself..
Therefore I have a new quest ahead.. finding the right place for me to
live in, to create at, to belong to, to dwell, to relax, to cry at, to
laugh at, to invites friend to..
Jun 20, 2013
Usúdila som, že so správnym postojom sa dá i teplo prežiť. Jednoduchá premyslená vecička na sebe, úsmev a ostáva len presvedčiť šéfa, že v tomto teple sa predsa nedá pracovať!!! Tak čoskoro ma už stretnete pri najbližšej vode, "mission completed".. :)
Jun 16, 2013
Jun 13, 2013
I recently found out that despite my utmost endeavors some things in
life are inevitable.. And you have to face them whether you like it or not and act accordingly, go on nevertheless what.. When everything
around falls apart, sometimes there is only one solution to all the mess.. Heads up, legs up and..
I decided to wait.. And will let you know the result..
Jun 3, 2013
Flow of words..
I found myself talking these days about things I long for, about my
cravings, my opinions, my worries, most importantly, ME in an honest
way, with a little bit of risk that you are showing your true SELF.. And
somehow when I combine this with other people´s interests, it is still
managable to be in harmony.. Everything, even weather that is the
discussion point of almost everyone around.. even this is during some
precious moments managable. And therefore I flee often and walk and seek
the NATURE. For I find it worth to bow down and enjoy the moments of
being without worrying.. There is always a WAY..
But you know it too.. Go and seek yourself!
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