Apr 30, 2013

Bratislava prekvapuje..


Tak takéto niečo ste mohli v Bratislave hľadať doposiaľ iba márne, priestrannú cukráreň, nádherne presvietenú a plnú kvalitných zákuskov a dobrej kávy.. Kto uhádne, kde sa nachádza???
P.s. nie je to priamo v centre, tí, ktorí tam bývajú prosím našepkajte, stojí to za to!!!
Alebo viete nebodaj o ešte lepšej konkurencii?
Sem s tipmi!!!

P.s.2.Čoskoro sa mimochodom môžte tešiť na pokračovanie sérií "Ako chutí..".. tentokrát to bude Egypt!!!

Apr 23, 2013

Simple as that..


                                                                      are the days of my life..


Apr 19, 2013

Lesson learned..

"Man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to be the pawn of outside conditions. But when he realizes that he is a creative power, and that he may command the hidden soil and seeds of his being out of which circumstances grow, he then becomes his own master."

I recently made rather stupid decisions.
I took a job just for the money,
I let myself forget about my health,
and.. I stopped listening..

The result.
Inactivity in many areas, stagnation and boredom, chilling out before having a reason to chill out after..

When I learn that the beauty is found in simplicity, love and mere action is a mystery, for now I believe that keeping reminding myself this is useful at least a bit..

And fortunately, some decisions are neither definite nor irrevocable. 
I kind of saved myself before myself.
Thank you myself.