Sep 24, 2013

Sweet and bitter..

Besides the fact that I have been recovering from quite a nasty cold during the weekend, my stomach asked for food and as I am not fond of cooking lately I decided to go for a "tram walk" and explore Dubravka and its "Hody" this year. (It is nice that you do not need to cook for two weekends, right?) I have so far went only to Raca during the last years and I was pleasantly surprised by Dubravka´s beauties. 

Nice people, PERFECT FOOD! (údené koleno, who would resist?) and calming woods around. Not even mentioning that in Sobrance, my hometown," Sobranecky Jarmok" was happening at the same time. Consider it as a nice rememberance of old times, I am sending hereby regards to ALL the people I know there.. 

There were also two things I indeed laughed about.. I realised how wine is underestimated and how much this tool (praker po východniarsky tuším) has been a part of my childhood. We used to be cleaning carpets as kids in front of our "bytovka" and it was such a fun!

So I have to report that despite the last weekend was nice and full of relaxed healing, this week is already a mess, starting with lots of work, my heart wondering what is going on and my sister being in hospital again. :( Whoever knows her, please spare some time for calling her, she will be thankful and happy to hear you. 

It suddenly seems that my tattoo has also other meanings than I planned.. HOME IS WHERE YOUR HEART IS AND IT STAYS WITH THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE.  Take care of those you love.  Not like me that has to be sending hugs to my special friends Olina and Denisa via this writing because I was such a terrible friend lately. Girls, I love you. Let´s get together soon.

Sep 17, 2013

Dobrý bol..

 ten Dobrý trh, veru dobrý.. 

Ľudí bolo síce napriek dažďu pomenej, o to lepšia bola ale ochutnávka koláčikov zo Giraffe Bakery, ktoré sa nevypredali za hodinu a prehliadka všadeprítomných gumákov všakovakých farieb.. ja som mala svoje žlté, takže som konečne raz zapadla do davu.. Hahaa!!!

A ešte boli aj dobré polievky, voňajúce pistácie, paradajky a bazalka, snažila som sa aj vyhrať kurz nemčiny, nájsť nejakú stratenú knihu, ktorú by som si prisvojila, a zahriať sa všetkým možným pomimo oblečenia.. Vyšlo to skoro do bodky, aj s prekvapkom na záver, takže ostáva len čakať na pokračovanie.. :)

Dobrý bol ten Dobrý trh, vďaka dobrým ľuďom za organizáciu!!!

Sep 13, 2013

Body News..

Dear all, let me share the news that I have just been "decorated" for-ever and I LOVE IT!!!

p.s. I do realize I wear sunglasses on all the pictures in last months, but I simply cannot resist them, especially when the summer is almost over..

And.. just for the matter of curiosity..  Have you ever thought about having a tattoo? 
Me never!!!

Sep 10, 2013

Walking shoes..

I do not know if I mentioned that I moved to a different place recently. It is close to the forest and it is perfect for quiet times when reflection is more than needed. 

I found out walking is great for the soul, as well as running is for the mind.. You all know me, I hated to run, I hated sport. Or let´s say, I did not prefer them!!!

And thus, I found myself these days most of my free time running in the woods, (without the wolves) discovering nice places in Bratislava even with a touch of sand (Sandberg on the picture) and wondering about all the beauties that I still have not seen around.

I even surprised myself when I got genuinely excited after having seen a perfect pair of a running trousers which I felt I need to buy because running in the shorts in fall is rather out of question or mind.

I wonder what is different these days.. I even started to wear heels and I think about buying trekking shoes.. Apparently, there are many ways how we can walk around this beautiful place called world.. My recommendation though: BAREFOOT.

Sep 4, 2013

Home is where your heart is..

Cestou necestou.. si hľadáme všetci svoje miesto.. a preto ma prekvapilo uvedomenie si, že sa mi posledné dni cnie po domove..

Stáva sa i Vám to, že keď máte nejaké obdobie, keď o niečom intenzívne premýšľate v hlave tak sa Vám zrazu v živote dejú veci, ktoré sa týkajú toho, čo prežívate? Psychológovia Vám možno povedia, že je to prirodzené, lebo ste citliví na nejakú vec a intuitívne Vás zaujmú tie súvislosti, ktoré Vám pomôžu situáciu rozmotať alebo vyriešiť. Možno to tak bude, v každom prípade neverím, že toto vysvetlenie je "to". Magickosť života sa totiž nedá vysvetliť, podchytiť, ani zregulérniť. Pravidlá a zákony síce existujú, ale našťastie nie sú univerzálne pre každú situáciu. A tak sa zrazu ocitnete v momente, keď sa konečne dozviete, čo sa vlastne deje vo Vašom nevedomí, lebo ste si to dlho-predlho nevedeli priznať...
Tajomnosť života je prekvapujúca.. Som rada, že som sa k nej zasa vrátila. Spravte to i Vy ak máte možno podobné obdobie.  
Choďte za túžbami srdca.