Oct 31, 2013

Changing lanes..

I do not know whether or not you are familiar with the story about origin of pearls. Metaphor about process where pain and discomfort can bring something beautiful as pearls are is for me one of the best examples of life. Through pain there always comes something precious, something admirable, sheer beauty..

There is a saying in one Book mentioning how you should not give your pearls to those who do not deserve it.. I reminded that to myself when I realised I stopped wearing pearls because they are "too precious" for everyday life and they should be saved for later.  I changed my mind.

I realised that though I thought I do not deserve some of the things, I should act however, right the opposite..

There is so many sayings about everyone´s value and beauty, but if you indeed do not start from yourself, from appreciating your life and who you are, you can not expect that other people will be treating you differently. And thus, this is going to be my reminder that all of us have an incredible value in this short life. Anyone who is going to show me the opposite will need to leave.. We all deserve TO FEEL BEAUTIFUL.

Oct 20, 2013

Kam do mesta.. na burger!

Nebudem sa tváriť, že mi nechutí jesť.. Veď sa už všetci dobre poznáme..:) A tak mi dovoľte Vám prezradiť, kde robia v Bratislave dobré hamburgery, ktoré nestoja 15 Eur ale budú Vám chutiť ako tie z Primi, ktoré ani tak dobre nechutia ako skôr vyzerajú a máte mať pocit, že jete burger na úrovni.. 

Neviem, či niekto z Vás natrafil pred pár rokmi na také mini bistro na Michalskej, kde predávali "poctivé hamburgery", v každom prípade mne sa to podarilo nešťastne míňať celé dva roky. Vždy keď som ho už zbadala mali buď zatvorené alebo tam bol oznam, že otvoria budúce leto. A tak som si niekoľkokrát za sebou musela povzdychnúť a nechať to tak.

Tentokrát, napriek tomu, že leto sa už blíži ku koncu som na nich natrafila. Už hamburgery nerobia v malom ale vo veľkom, predávajú ich vo vedľa susediacej reštaurácii Minerva. Zrejme to bude jeden majiteľ, alebo sa dvaja majitelia dohodli na spoločnej veci, v každom prípade urobili dobre. 

Mäsko bolo čerstvé, vo vnútri tak akurát ružové, všetko bolo ako malo. Domáca barbecue a chilli omáčka, kyslé uhorky  nadrobno, veľké a čerstvé hranolky i coleslaw šalát. A ten dokonca aj chutil! Vykričník v tomto prípade myslím vážne, coleslaw šalát sa dá pokaziť na toľko spôsobov, že to radšej ani nebudem menovať. O to viac potom poteší, keď nájdete niečo, čo je  chutné, nepremajonézované, neprekorenené, skrátka lahodné. A keď máte možnosť si k tomu všetkému objednať ešte aj dobré pivo, radím Vám, neváhajte a choďte odmeniť majiteľa za snahu o poctivé jedlo, oplatí sa za 5 EUR a niečo!

Oct 18, 2013

Pierko od anjela..

Keď nemám síl milovať
a všetky záchvevy miznú,
keď nado mnou víťazí
slabosť mojej pamäti
a zabúdam slová,
celé svety,
keď šediviem zo šedivosti
(lebo niet výšok),
keď sa udieram sama o seba,
je všetko iné
a mňa niet,
vtedy si uvedomujem,
že vždy mi chýbalo ešte jedno pierko,
aby som mohla vzlietnuť.
A je najvyšší čas, aby som ho našla.

Nevena Borisova (BLG), Ars Poetica 2013 (začala včera a pokračuje)
Christian Schloe, Portrait of a Heart.

Oct 15, 2013

Beauty in business..

No matter what people tell you, in business black and white is indeed not only a nice combination when formal matters are being discussed, but also the one with which you can never go wrong. The advice given many times on the blogs of different origin is that you should dress up one level more you are actually supposed to. This is of course under condition you would like to be promoted, if you decide to aim higher.. This elevator can actually take me higher only up to 4th floor, so I should think about my goals properly but I am really wondering.. Do you people give yourself any goals? Is it something that we are still clear on?  I have made a new set of goals for the next upcoming period and one of them is actually starting with wearing braces. Invisible and pretty expensive, but I would like to invest into my health. How about you? Anything to share for inspiration of others?

Oct 11, 2013

Fresh air..

It was needed actually. 
Couple of invitations to places I had no idea what to wear were more than urgent and required immediate action. 
So I though deeply and decided, two black dresses, one for day and one for receptions events, two white blouses needed as the costumes and suit accessories, and two practical pieces to wear when there are those days you keep calling people, writing profiles and searching for the right candidates to offer to our clients. 
Yep, from now on, please call me Mrs. Consultant, I have finally pieces to wear that I look like one!

Oct 4, 2013

Quiet movement..

It seems that I started to wear black again what I am quite surprised to notice. Probably it is the result of sudden changes in my overall life relationships. However, at least I kept to my tradition and have undergone the radical hair change (again:) and loved the new haircolor that Slavka is a master of creating.. 

So I was wearing black these days and I was trying to be shining through smile and hair even when I was asking myself all these weird questions like "where am I going, " what are my goals for the upcoming period", and fortunately, "where should I go for some vacation".. If there are any suggestions or even INVITATIONS, do not hesitate to contact me!!!
 I am an eager new-born traveler.. :)

During these days when the last sun is smiling at us, I suppose we all need to think of ways how to survive this period of darker environment around us that is called FALL. I wonder who created that word..