I do not know whether all of you had this habit in your families that Saturdays are predestined for cleaning the household.. I genuinely could not stand this during my childhood and when I went to live apart from my parents when I was fifteen I switched to a different timetable and regime immediately. And I hold to that from then on. I tend to clean my apartment during the week, couple of minutes here and there and I keep the promise I made to myself to have some rest during Saturdays. And thus I ended up yesterday, after having some nice dinner at Steak house, rushing at last minute to a bookstore only to finally buy myself something nice to read with intention of trying to stay nailed to my bed full of pillows for as long as possible during the following day. I have to say that normally I do not end up with this kind of literature but the urge to read I felt yesterday only reminded me that I somehow forgot what I studied on University. Psyche, the human soul and behavior.. I think it is time to start educating myself again. I almost lost this urge to search for deeper knowledge. Apparently, we can all loose ourselves in the routines of every day reality. Let´s all try to stop for a while from time to time, so that we can check where we stand and where we are going..
Nov 23, 2013
Nov 14, 2013
Láska cvála..
Láska sa vydáva na cestu,
uháňa sťa jazdec, tak ako prišla.
S tufovou tmou v očiach prebodá ako studený vietor
a horizonty pohasínajú.
Merané časom, nebola dlhá ani krátka,
ale bola v nej bezčasovosť.
Skutočne, svet sa nekončí mimo teba.
Dokonca začína hovoriť, súc tmavý ako oblak.
A ty nie si, nie si jeho ostrá os.
Nech sa tvoja tvár stane dôvodom, aby som si všimla iných,
aby som počúvala mamu, dieťa, šaša -
čo vravia a koho milujú.
Nech je nová nádej v nás, nie pre nás.
Štastie aj nešťastie sa vzájomne zahrýzli do svojich chvostov,
no ja rozseknem uzol ich nudného sváru.
Vrátim sa, budem cítiť,
potom budem zápasiť s vetrami, možno i s tým našim.
Svet sa do nás nezmestí, my sa nezmestíme doň.
A naša láska vlastne neodchádza.
Cvála celkom nablízku.
Ulice demoštrujú svoju radosť,
budovy sa postavili na špičky,
dnes je dôležitý deň,
ľudia sa pretŕčajú v oknách,
dnes je dôležitý deň,
lebo každý prestal myslieť
len sám na seba.
Nevena Borisova.
Nech sa nové začne.
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