2015 is the year of many new things. I bought new apartment, I got new job, I have new city to live in. But before I continue, I would like to share my additional first time, I went to have a look at Bratislava Design week during the last days I was actually staying in Bratislava. Good reason to come back anytime, especially because I am leaving here 10 years of memories and dozens of great friends, but still, I was reminded.
Have your eyes open. Beauty is everywhere, even if you think you know your city well enough, it can always surprise you!
It feels so great, to be inspired by beauty, isn´t it? It is evoking all the changes we would like to do ourselves but we needed some "push" button, some "Go ahead" sign. This is it!
See you later everyone! Next time from Prague..
Maybe also from some other places :)