Mar 16, 2012

Life happens..

Between work and work and work that needs to be done, I realised I need to find myself. Again. 
The answer was not in Elle, this time also not in caressing our cat, but in my heart.
What we are willing to sacrifice in different areas of our lives depends on us, even if it does not look so. I have to remind myself about this so often this year. And though I finally  know what I wish to the future, it is certain that many steps need to be done before my dreams come true. This time, new dreams. This time, new pressure. This time, circumstances are not dependent just on my actions. It is all about growth I believe. So keep your fingers crossed for me please. New dreams will hopefully bring new passion and new life.
p.s. We went to Vienna yesterday, the weather was beautiful, everyone go outside!!! I will post some pics later on. Have a wonderful weekend * K

1 comment:

  1. krásny kočičák :) a na nové Elle sa chystám aj ja dúfam,že ma nejaké ešte v stánku počkalo :D
