I had a chance to visit one Lady club lately..
Unexpectedly there came a moment where one lady described herself as a women coach and a feminist at the same time and there happened an unexpected mild attack from another lady asking what is the reason she describes herself in such a way, that this word is so much connected with assertiveness, coldness and intellectual women who usually are not that beautiful, that it is not safe according to her to describe oneself this way.. I was shocked indeed but fortunately with that particular lady we were able to explain that Feminism can be understood in many ways and one of them that WOMEN ARE SIMPLY WOMEN (actually different from the description above) and that we have nothing to be ashamed of when being compared to MEN.
We are just smart and skillful, too. To be valued and honored is not an unusual desire. :)
My dear nation, I feel like asking.. When do we stop with prejudices?
How about starting reading something else that Slovak newspaper?
I do not care whether Boris has another child or Mariana lost her job.
I want relevant information and I am still missing them.
p.s. Sending hereby regards to my colleagues at work, who love the heels (not like me :) for they are so woman-like and flattering to the body.. Well. Different tastes make COLORFUL LIFE. :)
New York times, Guardian, The Atlantic, Tech Crunch, Telegraph, Al Jazeera, Huffington Posts (some of it), or you wanted Slovak ones?